Showing posts with label phpmyadmin not started. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phpmyadmin not started. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

#1129 - Host is blocked because of many connection errors

#1129 - Host is blocked because of many connection errors

If phpmyadmin is not working because of above error, Here is the solution.

Solution : 1

Restart the mysql
If you are using Ubuntu, Debian or Mint
# service mysql restart
If you are using CentOS, fedora or RHEL
# service mysqld restart

Solution : 2

Run the command in the terminal (mysql should be in running state.)
# mysqladmin flush-hosts -h hostname -u username -p

Friday, May 10, 2013

phpmyadmin - Fatal error : allowed memory size of bytes exhausted

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of bytes exhausted (tried to allocate bytes)

If you are not able to open phpmyadmin because of this error, follow the steps to remove it.

1) Open file php.ini
xampp : /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini
apache2 (Debian) : /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini 
httpd (RHEL) : /etc/php.ini

2) Search parameter memory_limit. By default it's value is 128M.
    Increase the value according to size of parameters upload_max_filesize and post_max_size.
memory_limit = 512M

3) Restart Apache.

There is a instruction in php.ini that "Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB)" but when you will increase the memory size greater than 128M, you will see yourself that error is gone.

The first things to check are the values of upload_max_filesizememory_limit and post_max_size in the php.ini configuration file. All of these three settings limit the maximum size of data that can be submitted and handled by PHP. post_max_size and memory_limit need to be equal or larger than upload_max_filesize.

Be careful to set memory_limit size. If it exceeds the limit, the phpmyadmin does not start. It shows blank page.

You have increased the memory limit but you still get this error frequently. Restart the Apache will solve your problem. If you are working on live Linux server and it does not restart frequently. You might get this error too often, make a Crontab for daily Apache-Restart will solve your problem.

Access forbidden : New XAMPP security concept : XAMPP - phpmyadmin error

Solution :
Access forbidden :  New XAMPP security concept error in phpmyadmin after new XAMPP installation

1) Open the file /opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf

2) Search text #New XAMPP security concept in the file and replace Deny from all to Allow from all under #New XAMPP security concept

3) Add line Require all granted in <Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin">
 Now it looks like this.
<Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin">     AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit     Require all granted     Order allow,deny     Allow from all     </Directory>

4) Restart XAMPP

If you are still getting problem

Solution : 2
Run following command
$ sudo /opt/lampp/lampp security
Set password for everything.
Restart XAMPP and try again.