Monday, November 11, 2019

Metabase - Shifting your metabase docker container with existing data

1) Export the docker container from source instance as .gz
docker export containerid | gzip > containername.gz
2) Import the docker container into destination instance.
zcat containername.gz | docker import - imagename
3) Run the container as mapped port 3000
sudo docker run -it -p 3000:3000 6cf7f6ca9351 /bin/bash
where 6cf7f6ca9351 is image id.
4) Start the container and attach yourself into it.
docker start containerid
docker attach containerid

5) If you will run the file metabase.jar
java -jar metabase.jar
and if it creates new files and metabase.db.trace.db, it means metabase is starting the setup. It will be the fresh metabase installation so your old created dashboards and questions will not be visible.
You need to find the files of existing database i.e., metabase.db.trace.db in the container which will be large in size. These are existing db files, you need to make metabase used these files as a database then only metabase will be run from the current state.
If you have started metabase and it has created new db files, stop the metabase and replace new files with existing files.

6) Start metabase again.
Once "Metabase Initialization COMPLETE" message appears and you go on login page instead of setup, old metabase is back.
You can login with existing details. Now make changes in database credentials from admin panel if database is changed on new instance, dashboards and questions will start showing your data from changed database.

Errors :
1) Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database.
Solution : Make sure metabase is able to make connection to database.

2) Java heap space memory issues.
Solution : RAM should be sufficient.
You can assign RAM to metabase while running it.
Generally, leaving 1-2 GB of RAM for these other processes should be enough; for example, you might set -Xmx to 1g for an instance with 2 GB of RAM, 2g for one with 4 GB of RAM, 6g for an instance with 8 GB of RAM, and so forth. You may need to experiment with these settings a bit to find the right number.
java -Xmx1g -jar metabase.jar
More accute solution :
java -Xmx1g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/path/to/a/directory -jar metabase.jar

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Connect to RDS through EC2 on local mysql workbench

If you are connecting AWS RDS through EC2 instance from mysql workbench on your local using method 'Standard TCP/IP over SSH' as you do not want to open mysql port 3306 globally. You have opened 3306 port of RDS for EC2 instance only as it should be connected from EC2 only.

 You first connect to EC2 using ssh (key file) and then EC2 makes connection to RDS. This is quite common approach to access RDS database on local.

But in this approach you may get error
Failed to Connect to MySQL at 3306 through SSH tunnel at with user
"Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet, system error: 0"

The reason behind this error, ssh config is not allowing tcp forwarding. You need to make it allowed.
Open file /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check attribute 'AllowTcpForwarding'. The value is set to no that;s why you are getting the error.
The value should be Yes for the parameter.
AllowTcpForwarding Yes
Now after changing value, restart ssh and try to connect again from mysql workbench. The connection should be made successfully.

apache2 - Block multiple ips for one of the hosted website on CentOS / Ubuntu

If you have hosted multiple websites on apache of your linux server by adding multiple virtual hosts, there may be certain requirement that you do not want a particular website should be opned by any specific IP. Here is the way to block a website for a IP.

Solution : 1
Create an .htaccess file in document root of your website or if the file exists already, add following lines in the file.
deny from
deny from 134.249.xx.x
deny from
Deny from
deny from
or block a complete IP range by
deny from
It will block IP range from to

Solution : 2
If you want to block IPs by apache configuration.
Create a file /etc/apache2/conf-available/ipblack.conf
Add following content in it.
<Location />
deny from
deny from 134.249.xx.x
deny from
Deny from
Now add the line in virtualhost of your website
Include conf-available/ipblack.conf
Reload apache.
These IPs will not be able to open your site anymore. They will get 403 forbidden error.