If you have installed phpLiteAdmin in your Apache but you are unable to see the options to create / rename / delete database. Here is the solution for you.
Solution :
Your php code of phpLiteAdmin does not have sufficient permission to show these options. You need to change the owner of the folder phpLiteAdmin.
If you have installed phpLiteAdmin in CentOS, your httpd user is apache, change the owner of the folder.
chown -R apache:apache phpLiteAdmin
chown -R www-data:www-data phpLiteAdmin
If you have installed phpLiteAdmin in Lampp/Xampp, your apache user is daemon, change the owner of the folder.
chown -R daemon:daemon phpLiteAdmin
Now open again phpLiteAdmin in the browser. You should be able to see all options.
You can also try with 777 permission to the folder phpLiteAdmin but this is not a good practice to give full permissions to a folder of Document Root.