Tuesday, May 20, 2014

code 127 --> sh: /usr/bin/expect: not found

 sh: /usr/bin/expect: not found

Install expect on your Linux system.

If you are using ubuntu or debian, Run
sudo apt-get install expect

If you are using CentOS, fedora or RHEL, Run
sudo yum install expect

ftp server vsftpd - Allow root login

By Default, root is not able to access ftp because it's name in the list of /etc/ftpusers or /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers
Remove root from the list. Save the file.
Restart vsftpd.
root will be able to log-in using ftp.

If you are using CentOS, fedora or RHEL and still you are not able to log in as root in your ftp server.
Add following line in the file vsftpd.conf
Remove user root in file /etc/vsftpd/user_list 
Restart vsftpd.
root should be able to log-in using ftp.
You can see the solution in the following video.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Open XAMPP control Panel - A GUI interface

XAMPP Control Panel - A GUI Interface

If you do not want to start/stop/restart xampp using command line, you can do it using UI interface. Just click on the button and your service will be started/stopped.

If you are using new XAMPP
To open XAMPP's control Panel (GUI interface), Run following command.
cd /opt/lampp && sudo ./manager-linux.run
If you are using older versions of XAMPP, Run following command.
gksu /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel

You can create launcher for this command. Whenever you run the launcher, it launches the XAMPP control panel.

Install XAMPP using command line on Linux

Install XAMPP using command line on Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, RHEL

If you are installing xampp first time on your linux system then it is fine but if you have installed it before and there is directory lampp in your /opt. You should rename it first.
# mv /opt/lampp /opt/lampp_old
Now download xampp installer from here.
A file xampp-linux-version-number-installer.run will be downloaded.
Suppose it is in directory Downloads.
Make the file executable.
# chmod a+x ~/Downloads/xampp-linux-version-number-installer.run
Now run the file.
# cd ~/Downloads
# ./xampp-linux-version-number-installer.run
It will open the wizard, now complete it to install xampp.


Now when you click on finish button, XAMPP's GUI interface will be appeared.

Now you can start/stop Apache & mysql using UI interface. Click on 'Manage servers' and you will be able to start/stop servers using buttons.

Open xampp in Browser

Open XAMPP control panel / GUI interface
Run following command in terminal
# cd /opt/lampp && sudo ./manager-linux.run

X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication

If you are not able to log into Linux user account using ssh and you are getting this error, here is the solution.

Open the file etc/ssh/ssh_config on your system , client side (NOT on the server where you want to connect)

Check this parameter in the file
ForwardX11 yes
It should be uncommented as well as set as yes.

Restart ssh on your system. Try to connect again.

If you are still getting this error, open the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config server side where you want to connect.

Check this parameter in the file
X11Forwarding yes
It should be uncommented as well as set as yes.