CSRF Token is a common practice to prevent the Cross Site Request Forgery Attacks. If you are testing such web applications where a CSRF token is sent with the http request, you might find difficult to achieve the results with JMeter.
Most common hurdle is the Login Page because this is the place where you find CSRF token parameter with username and password. Actually CSRF Token should be used with every request where data is getting inserted in the database but generally developers do not use in the other web forms.
So How to Log into the application which has CSRF token implemented in the login page.
Here is the complete guide to handle the CSRF Tokens in the JMeter.
we have attached four host ports with the container.
4. Restart Docker, start container and log into it. You should be able to access the service of container in the host using attached port.
Using this method you can connect single port or multiple ports.
Note : You
can map one port of host with the other of container.
Example you can map port 89 of host with port 80 of
docker container. This way you can access web server (apache / nginx ) service of container on port 89 of host.
You can see practical example in this video to understand the steps better.
Here we have mounted two host directories inside the container. /var/www/html and /opt of host is visible in the same directory of the container.
4. Restart Docker, start container and log into it. Host Directory content should be available in the container.
Using this method you can connect single volume or multiple volumes.
Note : You can map one directory of host in the other directory of container. Example you can map /var/www/html of host inside /opt/lampp/htdocs of docker container or vice versa.
You can see practical example in this video to understand the steps better.